From Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company, this collection includes over 77,000 videos, spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. More than 17,000 titles are exclusive to Alexander Street. Note: SAMPLE videos are not included in our subscription
NOTE: Create an account using your CCP email address at
The nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities, serving readers with indispensable real-time news and deep insights, plus the essential tools, career opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
From ProQuest, this collection offers scholarly ebooks from leading publishers on many different subjects including Arts, Business, Education, Health, History, Language, Law, Literature, Medicine, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Science, Social Science, Technology, and more. Subject listing may be helpful.
Interdisciplinary, multilingual, and comprehensive full text databases of newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press. Designed to provide the "other side of the story," ENW titles offer additional viewpoints from those proffered by the mainstream press.
Growing archive of backfiles of journals and book excerpts in fields such as history, economics, political science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. Files start with the first volume of each journal. 1600s-current, depending on the publication.
Summon is a tool that searches throughout the College Library's print and electronic collections. Use to find periodical articles, books, and more. Filter the search results by type of source (including peer-reviewed), subject, year, etc. Summon Search results may not work off-campus. Try searching the Databases from the A-Z Database List instead.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Access to over 49,000 books, 71 journals, 880 reference works, and 1000 primary sources, in a variety of subject areas. Access ends on December 31, 2024
Access 58,000 eBooks covering 29 subject areas from across the Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences, Technology, and Medicine; 16,000 Frontlist titles, including 1,000 in English. Trial available through December 31, 2024.
Audiobooks are now available
1. Download the Libby app from Google or Apple, or go to to use Libby in a browser
2. Find Community College of Philadelphia
3. Log into MyCCP
4. Start browsing or borrowing audiobooks
Business Journal access for Community College of Philadelphia — Students, faculty and staff have full access to the Philadelphia Business Journal to include all Digital content across 18 different Industries, access to the Weekly Edition, Book of Lists, the Search Archives and much more!
Access more than 750,000 original poll questions and results from 18,000+ surveys conducted in the U.S. and 100+ other countries from 1986 to the present.
Qwest TV is a "hand-picked treasure trove of concerts, documentaries, interviews and archive films. Co-created by Quincy Jones & Reza Ackbaraly, this unique collection of highly curated titles makes timeless concerts and global music accessible for research, teaching and learning." Now available through Alexander Street (ProQuest).