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The certificate program will focus on restorative justice principles and their application in the criminal legal system and disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. It includes three new restorative justice courses and two electives. The program seeks to demonstrate that sustained coursework in restorative justice led by community restorative justice practitioners at the undergraduate certificate level can provide meaningful preparation to facilitate restorative processes and develop locally rooted, responsive programs.
The certificate is structured as a cohort model where students build community and foster collaboration.
The program attracts both new undergraduate students pursuing a standalone certificate, current students in a related degree program, and practitioners seeking further restorative justice training.
The initiative intends to serve as a model for other institutions nationwide seeking to implement similar restorative justice certificate programs, including community colleges, historically Black colleges & universities, tribal colleges, and prison education programs.
Contact Sarah Byker James, Project Director and Assistant Professor at Community College of Philadelphia, at