"The new Science Teaching and Student Services building at the University of Minnesota will have 10 Active Learning Classrooms. Active Learning Classrooms allow for students to experience a more interactive and conversational educational environment. With round tables for discussion and high-tech accessories for interactivity, these classrooms will service more than 125 class sections this fall."
“A primary responsibility of educators is that they...recognize in the concrete what surroundings are conducive to having experiences that lead to growth. Above all, they should know how to utilize the surroundings, physical and social, that exist so as to extract from them all that they have to contribute to building up experiences that are worth while”
--John Dewey, Experience and Education (1938)
Creating meaningful learning experiences for 21st-century skills requires flexible Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs) that allow students to engage in collaboration, creation, critical thinking, and curating. CCP is scheduled to convert BR-37 and C3-29 into ALCs by Fall 2016. Turn your classroom into a courtroom, a small business, a hospital room, a senatorial debate, a movie studio, or a modern office space. Below are classroom designs, furniture arrangements, and materials for converting your space into an ALC.