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Nursing Research: Evidence Based Practice

This guide will help you locate Nursing information in the Library and on the Internet.

Evidence Based Practice: Defined

American Nurses Association Evidence-Based Practice

What It Is and How to Use It

Evidence-Based Nursing

A way of providing nursing care that is guided by the integration of the best available scientific knowledge with nursing expertise. This approach requires nurses to critically assess relevant scientific data or research evidence, and to implement high-quality interventions for their nursing practice.

Source: NLM MeSH

Year introduced: 2009

Lippincott Nursing : What is Evidence Based Practice (video, contains ads)




Developing a Search Strategy

While doing a database search, the following terms can be added to your search statement to retrieve Evidence Based Practice articles:

Clinical Trials

Evidence Based

Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Medicine

Meta Analysis

Randomized Control Study

Randomized Control Trial

Systematic Review

How to Create a Clinical Question

Use the PICO method to construct a clinical question

Include Boolean Terms to help Refine your database search

AND : includes all terms

OR : includes at least one term, for best results use synonyms or variations of spelling

NOT : excludes terms from your search 


Evidence Based Practice Articles

de Groot, M., van der Wouden, J. M., van Hell, E. A., & Nieweg, M. B. (2013). Evidence-based practice for individuals or groups: let's make a difference. Perspectives on medical education, 2(4), 216–221.

Evidence Based Practice Books

Evidence Based Practice Websites

The following websites are dedicated to the practice and location of Evidence Based Practice tools.

AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality

The Cochrane Library

Joanna Briggs Institute

PubMed Clinical Queries

PubMed Evidence Based Practice Training Course


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