There are many ways to become an informed citizen and different voters may use different methods to inform themselves. It is important to seek out and use reliable information from trustworthy sources as best as you can. "Citizens should make sure to get breaking news about the election from reputable, mainstream media outlets (and then also fact-check any suspicious claims, using fact-checking websites such as or Social Media Tips to Avoid Sharing Spreading Election Disinformation
Questions to consider:
Who are my Elected Officials?
When is the next election?
What offices will be on the ballot?
What districts am I in?
Who are the candidates?
What are the issues? What are the issues that matter to me?
Where do the candidates stand on the issues and which candidates best reflect my concerns?
What experience and record do the candidates have on the issues? is a news aggregator of articles in newspapers about political issues, elected officials, and candidates for office in the state of Pennyslvania, including Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Tribune
CNN Politics
New York Times
Washington Post