During the Summer of 2020, the Media Creation Boot Camp is being recreated to allow 24/7 access to self-directed tools to provide step-by-step instructions for creating videos. The tabs above are arranged to provide step-by-step direction for handling the process of putting your productions together. You can begin with the 3 Production Stages to get an overall sense for how it can be built. The tabs following that one provide supportive information for handling the steps in the three stages. If you have any questions regarding any phase of the process, feel free to contact for support:
NERC Librarian, Carol Jewett (
NERC SACC Lab Aide, Shomari Weedor (
The student videos created that successfully met the production rubric requirements can be found on the Community, Cultures and Health LibGuide. Here is a link to that resource.
Below is a link to the Rubric currently used by Professor Ane Marie Kis Duryea for her AH 101 Student Video Project. This project is currently best supported in a 15-week course.
Below is the timeline currently being used for the ongoing Cultures and Health Video Project for AH101. This collaboration involves Professor Ane Marie Kis Duryea (AH Instructor), Carol Jewett (Librarian) and Shomari Weedor (SACC Lab Aide).
Timeline for Final Project Stages for a 15 Week Course
- Create Groups
- Observed Dynamics
- Area of Interest
- Emphasis on Diversity of viewpoint, ideas, etc.